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How to Attract Wealth in Life - Simple Ways You Can Practice Everyday

Posted at 11:47 PM
Do you sometimes think about driving that car or having that luxurious vacation in some tropical beach, or wish you have that grand house celebrities have? Do you wish you know how to attract wealth and abundance in life? Of course, money is not everything is this world but somehow, it can give us convenience, good life, and in a way, it helps us ease our worries on many things.

Like attracting success in career, good health, love and luck, you can also attract wealth in your life. The power of the mind actually plays a great role in attracting the things that happen in your life. Like featured in the Law of Attraction, your thoughts can play a major role on how to attract wealth.

Attracting abundance in life can however be a work of both the mind and the hands. Of course, you just do not want to dream about it, but you also have to do your share.

(1) Have positive thoughts. Be thankful for what you have. Before you think of what you desperately want to have in your life, like that luxurious car or that nice grand mansion, think about what you have. Do not think of them as not being enough. The more you think that you don't have enough, the more you will become desperate and you are building negative thoughts in your mind.

The law of attraction works by having positive thoughts. If you want to attract wealth and abundance, learn to think positively of what you have. Be thankful about it. Indeed, it is difficult because one part of you may think about the desperation to have something more, but you need to keep in mind that the more desperate you are, the more attraction will not work for you.

(2) Manage your finances. Like mentioned above, in attracting wealth into your life, you also have to work for it. Manage your wealth and money. Do not spend more than what you earn, or else, you are ruining your chances of attracting money and wealth.

(3) Get moving. Take risk. Do what you think you can do. Prove to people that you can do what they think you cannot. Sometimes we think about failure even if still haven't tried it yet, but if you build that confidence on yourself, you can work on that thing you have been wanting to do. Do not be lazy. You cannot attract wealth and abundance in your life if you are on your couch the whole day dreaming about money.

(4) Envision yourself with wealth. Train your mind to think about having the wealth and abundance all around you. However, it is important not to be dragged into the thought of wanting the money so badly and the self-pity that you do not have anything. Be thankful of what you have at the same time think that you can achieve the life of abundance and wealth. Believe that you can achieve what you dream of.

How to attract wealth can be difficult but, like in the law of attraction, it can be done with the proper attitude.

Carolyn Anderson is a freelance author who studies the law of attraction. To learn more about attracting things you want in your life through the law of attraction, check out Attractor Genie. Also check out Quantum Cookbook, where you can find steps to manifest anything you want in your life.

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Get Out of Debt - Take Back Control

Posted at 8:35 PM
Get Out of Debt - Start with your spending.
How to Tell If You Are Living Beyond Your Means

Despite several warnings, many people find themselves falling into the trap of living beyond their means. It may start out gradually, but left unchecked you can find yourself swimming in a quagmire of debt.

The following are some warning signs that you are on the path to financial ruin

1. You are becoming more dependent on your credit card. This is a red flag that your spending is beginning to outstrip your available income. The availability of a credit card is seductive in the beginning and many people give in to the temptation to use credit to fund impulse purchases. If this behavior becomes the norm, it could spell disaster because soon enough you will be using all the credit available to you and paying punitive rates of interest on purchases that could have been either deferred or avoided entirely.

2. You are behind on your bills. When your bills roll over from month to month this is a definite sign that you need to take a close look at your finances. It is best to get this in check as soon as possible before the amounts outstanding become completely unmanageable. Try to reallocate funds from certain areas or cut down on non-essentials like cable television until the situation gets under control.

3. Housing amounts to more than 28% of your gross income. This percentage is used by conservative banks as a benchmark to determine the size of loan you qualify for. Typically they estimate that housing should not use up more than 28% to allow for other expenses and to put aside some money for savings. If your mortgage, property taxes and insurance bill amounts to more than 28% of your salary you just may be in over your head, but this is nothing to be overly alarmed about if you have the discipline to control it.

4. If your credit score is below 600. Your credit score is a very tangible summary of your financial situation. Even if you are not sure that you are living beyond your means a look at your credit score can clear things up a bit. Your credit score takes into consideration the amount of debt that you have as well as how often you pay your bills on time, and the presence of any legal judgments against your name. If your score is below 600 you should take a closer look to determine how you can improve your situation.

5. You save less than 5% of your income. If you cannot afford to save more than 5% of the money you make, you are basically living from paycheck to paycheck. To increase the amount of money you can save, you should reassess your expenses and try to work towards getting rid of smaller debt obligations. This can free up cash that can be saved on a monthly basis. Of course, you must ensure that you actually save the liberated funds, otherwise your effort would have been in vain.

Some people love keeping up with the Joneses, others simply lack the discipline it takes to keep finances in the black. Either situation can be turned around with conscious effort.

For more personal finance advice check my profile at http://www.helium.com/users/499051 or visit my blog at http://financialfertilizer.blogspot.com/

Robert Allen made $94,000 in 24 hrs on the internet. Home business success strategies for developing multiple streams of income with your home business.

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Eliminate Credit Card Debt - Settle the Debt Yourself

Posted at 4:27 PM
How to Settle Credit Card Debt Yourself - Dan Morton
Is it possible to settle credit card debt yourself, without using a credit counselor or a debt consolidation company?

Actually, it's very possible to settle credit card debt yourself. You really don't need an expensive credit counselor, as they don't actually settle debt. And, regardless of what you think, they usually charge an arm and a leg for their services. Services that you can do for yourself, and do a much better job.

The "credit counselors" don't settle your debt - they sometimes can get your interest rates reduced (something you can do with one phone call). But, they can't usually get your balances reduced. The legitimate counselors have a debt management plan where you write one big check to the credit counseling company, then they pay your individual creditors. At least the reputable ones do.

There are many "credit counselors" who will take your money up front, with a promise to pay your creditors. They also take a hefty "commission" for themselves. But all too often, they don't follow through on your deal, and six months later you find out that NO bills have been paid, and you're a candidate for bankruptcy!

That's why I encourage people to settle their own debts and avoid being taken for a very dangerous ride by unscrupulous debt counselors, or consolidation companies.
Here are some easy tips to help you start settling your own credit card debt.

Skills You'll Need

Communicate. You need to have decent verbal skills to communicate with your creditors. This shouldn't be a problem for most folks - just be sure to express yourself clearly, without anger.

Negotiate. You'll need a clear goal in mind before you make that first call. Then. realize that true negotiating involves some give-and-take. You may not get what you want on the first call. Maybe not on the second, either. You will have to compromise - just be firm but pleasant.

Document. Write down everything - date, time, person(s) spoken to, subject and any deals made. Do this for each conversation. Keep all notes in a separate notebook, for organization.

Follow Up. Always follow up. Complete any phone calls, perform any tasks, and if an agreement is reached, do your part. That's follow up.

While most do-it-yourselfers settle their debt for an average of about 75%, those who have the skills listed above (and use them) can get their settlement for as low as 45% - 60%. Of course, it's possible to not get any reduction. That's how important using these skills really are. Some exceptional debt negotiators have gotten away with a settlement as low as 10% ! Industry professionals (attorneys and professional arbitrators), who bring millions of dollars to the table "only" get about 50%.

The fees these professionals charge is usually around 15% of your total unsecured debt - meaning that, on average, your debts are settled for a cost of about 65% (50% settlement + 15% fee).

If you're using the (4) skills shown above, it's possible for you to walk away from the negotiating table paying as little as 45% of your debt. And, that's a great deal for you!
Your Accounts Must Be Seriously Past Due

Unless your accounts are at least 180 days past due, chances are your creditors won't make any deals with you. If you're not that far past due now, do you just wait for the 180 day mark, then get serious about your debts? NO - before you are this far past due, it is your moral (and legal) obligation to try and pay your debts as best you can.

You can always ask your creditors for a lower rate before the 180 day mark - with the promise to make good on the debt. If it turns out to be totally impossible to pay the entire debt, then save the settlement option for last.

Always Use Certified Mail

When negotiating your debt, it is extremely important that you follow the agreement to a "T." That includes any lump sum payments sent should be sent by certified mail, with a return receipt. This will only cost you a couple of dollars, but the peace of mind you get when you know for sure that your payment has been received is huge.

If your creditors "misplace" or "lose" your check or other paperwork, then the burden of proof falls entirely on you - if you can't prove that you followed through on your deal, then you may be deemed in fault and all deals canceled. You know how difficult it is when working with a large company - that's why it's so important to be sure you have all of your bases covered.

When sending in a check, be sure to include a copy of the agreement in your certified mail.

Can you really settle your own debt?

Definitely, you can. You will have to learn some new skills, and be prepared for lots of ups and downs along the way. The path may not be smooth, but you've got lots of access to help - your local library, for instance.

The key to settle credit card debt yourself is to take action - now. Your debt will not go away by itself. In fact, no matter how dire things seem now, they will get much worse if you procrastinate. So, don't put this off - get organized and take action to help yourself, today. When it's all said and done, you'll look back and have few regrets. The only real regret you'll have is if you do nothing!

Are you trying - without much success - to become debt free? Why does it always feel like you're just treading water in a pool of debt? Feel helpless no more! Drop by DebtReliefDr.com to get help with your debt. I've also got a free mini-book waiting for you that can help you get started on your own path to a debt-free life.

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